BGBG Traditional Program Applications are OPEN!

BattleGround to Breaking Ground Cohort 16 Tuition Waiver Applications are NOW OPEN!!! Through USDA funded grants, 15 tuition waived spots are available per cohort for veterans, active military, and a select number of other beginning farmers and ranchers. Applications close May 31 at 5 PM CST. The link for the tuition waiver found here.

QPR Suicide prevention for Agricultural Communities


Farmers and farm families have experienced increasing pressure resulting in high levels of stress, mental health issues, and suicide. The Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) training teaches laypeople and professionals to recognize and respond to mental health crises. QPR for Farmers and Farm Families is specially tailored to the agricultural community. This is a FREE, virtual […]


Getting Started with USDA Farm Service Agency – Summer Webinar


USDA Farm Service Agency provides farm loans and disaster assistance programs to serve America’s farmers and ranchers. Join us for an educational webinar to explore how to get started with USDA FSA, how to get a farm number, and programs they provide. Register for the Series Here


Helping America’s Injured Veterans Succeed – Summer Webinar Series


Work Vessels for Veterans is a 501-(c)(3) nonprofit, charitable organization with the mission to award critical equipment and direct services to America’s injured veterans so they may start a business or pursue career education. Since 2008 more than 3800 vets in all 50 states have received $4 million in tools for success. Join us for […]

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