
Traumatic Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury in Agriculture
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) most often occurs from a violent blow or jolt to the head or body, such as from a motor vehicle accident or fall—but, it can also occur from an object penetrating the skull (e.g., bullet, nail, and many other objects). The three major effects of TBI include physical, cognitive, behavioral, and emotional. (3 pages)

Diabetes, Obesity, Nutrition, and Exercise

Getting it D.O.N.E.: Addressing Issues of Diabetes, Obesity, Nutrition, and Exercise

Americans can face particular obstacles that can impact their quality of life. For example, 9 percent of the United States (U.S.) population have diabetes. 36.5 percent of adults in the U.S. are obese, with another 32.5 percent being overweight. In all, more than two-thirds of adults in the U.S. are overweight or obese. Despite documented benefits of exercise and physical activity, a little more than half (52 percent) of U.S. adults do not meet physical activity guidelines. When all is said and done, many people are not eating a healthy diet and are not physically active. These behaviors result in unhealthy weights and chronic diseases. This document offers information on getting it “D.O.N.E.” See what this means.

Getting it D.O.N.E: Abordar los Problemas de la Diabetes, la Obesidad, la Nutrición y el Ejercicio – SPANISH

Esta hoja informativa brinda información importante sobre hábitos alimenticios saludables, actividad física y prevención de la obesidad y las enfermedades crónicas. (3 paginas)

Aging Farmers & Ranchers

Safety for Aging Farmers & Ranchers

With aging comes risk factors such as decreased physical and sensory abilities. Most of the time, farms are not only the worksite, but also a homestead, thus extending risk to family members and co-workers. It is important to recognize some of the common age related factors that affect senior farmers

Safety for Aging Farmers & Ranchers – Spanish Version

Con el envejecimiento vienen factores de riesgo co-mo disminución de las capacidades físicas y sensoriales. La mayor parte del tiempo, las granjas no son
sólo el lugar de trabajo, sino también una finca hogar, así ampliando el riesgo para miembros de familia y compañeros de trabajo. Es importante reconocer algunos de los factores comunes relacionados con la edad que afectan a los agricultores de la tercera edad.


Arthritis in Agriculture

Techniques to create an accessible, comfortable work-place with arthritis.

Spanish Version – Artritis en la Agricultura

Las técnicas para crear un lugar de trabajo accesible y cómodo

The Back

Secondary Injury: The Back

Having a basic understanding of how the back works can help you understand why it is prone to injury and what you can do to prevent injury.

Lesiones Secundrias: La Espalda – Spanish Version

Injury Prevention: The Back

Risk factors that can lead to increased chance of back injury on the worksite. Reducing these risk factors will reduce the chances of a
worksite back injury

Spanish Version – Prevención de Lesiones: La Espalda

Injury Prevention: The Back, On the Farm & Ranch

Farmers and ranchers can greatly reduce the risk of developing a back injury by implementing simple techniques, assistive technology, and equipment on the worksite.
We will cover tips for preventing back injury on the worksite, strategies for handling livestock, techniques for materials handling, and farm equipment modifications.

Prevención de Lesiones: La Espalda – Spanish Version

The Elbow

Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow) in Agriculture

Lateral epicondylitis (LE), commonly known as “tennis elbow,” can be a degenerative disease of the muscle tendons that connect to the lateral (outside) aspect of the humerus (elbow). One major factor contributing to the development of LE is the repetitive outward movement of the wrist and bending of the elbow where tension is applied. This factsheet provides suggestions and exercises for non pharmacological pain management and preventative measures. (4 Pages)

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