Texas AgrAbility offers online continuing education courses through the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension. If you are interested in learning more about courses and training available, check out the online courses below.
Working with Farmers & Ranchers with Disabilities: An AgrAbility Resource for Occupational Therapy Practitioners
Serving Farmworkers with Disabilities and Health Conditions
Farmworkers suffer from higher rates of occupational injury, disability, and chronic health conditions than the general public. With much of our US food and fiber supply reliant on farmworkers, disabling conditions can greatly affect the agricultural labor force. Service providers of farmworkers require knowledge and resources to address their needs and provide assistance. This course is designed to educate service providers of farmworkers on how to identify challenges and improve services for farmworkers with disabilities and chronic health conditions.
Resources for Veteran Farmers/Ranchers (recorded webinar)
This presentation will highlight key resources for participants regarding programs specific for veterans and projects that serve this population. The session will provide education regarding the new BattleGround to Breaking Ground Entrepreneurial Training project that provides mentorships, online courses, and individual education plans to veterans and other beginning farmer/ranchers. The webinar will include time for projects to network and suggest additional resources.
Phase 2 Battleground to Breaking Ground Online Course
The Battleground to Breaking Ground Phase 2 course will assist participants to complete their agriculture business plan through weekly online modules. The business plan assignments are broken down into business description, operation plan, marketing plan, and financial plan. Participants will submit their weekly business plan assignment to be reviewed by an agriculture economist and receive feedback for further improvement. At the culmination of Phase 2, participants will have a full agriculture business plan that can be used to manage their operation and/or to apply for agriculture business funding.
See tuition waived option here